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The Hygiene section is a branch of medicine that studies the influence of environmental factors on human health, its performance and life expectancy, develops standards, requirements and sanitary measures aimed at improving populated areas, living conditions and people's activities.


The following hygiene industries are distinguished: aviation; sick leave; military; naval; children and adolescents; railway; individual; communal; resort; personal; general; the environment; nutrition; food; professional; radiation; village; rural; sports; shipboard; transport; labor; exercise and sports ...


The Longevity section is a person's achievement of age significantly exceeding the average life expectancy. In domestic demography, longevity is calculated starting from the age of 80 years (in some countries 75 years) and older. Long-livers are people aged 90 years and older. Various researchers, focusing mainly on actual examples of longevity, believe that the maximum life span of a person can be 100-120 years.


Many gerontologists believe that the potential for longevity is genetically determined. To a certain extent, this is confirmed by the manifestation of this property of the human body in several generations. At the same time, longevity, of course, depends on socio-economic factors, such as material conditions, cultural level and medical care of the population, living conditions and the nature of work, the psychological climate in society ...

Relations of people

Section Relations of the sexes. SEX (lat. Sexus - gender) is a cultural phenomenon of gender relations, based on the biological instinct of procreation, but going far beyond it, covering a wide range of interpersonal existential-intimate and socio-psychological relations.

Relations of people

Initially, being the only need that takes its carrier beyond the boundaries of its own body and focuses on another, sex - even in its original biological dimension - implicitly involves communication that requires knowledge of appropriate communication programs, which in fact is a preculture phenomenon (if the guinea pig is grown to a mature state in complete isolation from their own kind, being then, in the mating season, placed in a normal environment, perfectly copes with its sexual role, then grown out of context herd chimpanzee instincts in a similar situation, being absolutely healthy physically, it is completely excluded from the processes reproductionsince he does not own the appropriate marriage games programs and is not able to establish initial psychological contact with a potential marriage partner) ...


The Cloning section is the process of creating genetically identical copies of living organisms (or their fragments: molecules, cells, tissues, organs, etc.). The term "Cloning" comes from the Greek word klon, which means twig, shoot, stalk. In this sense, almost everyone is familiar with the process of creating clones by the vegetative propagation of plants by cuttings, buds, or tubers in agriculture.


However, unlike plant cells, animal cells, differentiating during ontogenesis, lose the so-called totepotency (i.e., the ability to form any type of cells of a given organism), which has long been the main obstacle to the implementation of cloning of adult vertebrates ...


Section Cosmetics - (from the Greek kosmetike - the art of decorating), means and methods of improving the appearance of a person. Distinguish between medical and decorative cosmetics. The tasks of medical cosmetics are the fight against the manifestations of aging, the consequences of diseases of the skin of the face and head, and the prompt elimination of various cosmetic defects.


Make-up helps to hide some defects in appearance or to tone off individual facial features. Hygiene and preventive cosmetics include toothpastes, powders, rinses, creams, lotions, shampoos, etc.

Decorative cosmetics - powders, lipsticks, makeup, hair and nail polishes, etc. Various perfumes are used to flavor cosmetics...


Section Culture - (from the Latin cultura - cultivation, upbringing, education, development, veneration), a historically defined level of development of society, the creative forces and abilities of a person, expressed in types and forms of organization of life and activities of people, in their relationships, as well as in created their material and spiritual values.

The concept of "culture" is used to characterize certain historical eras (ancient culture), specific societies, nationalities and nations (Mayan culture), as well as specific areas of activity or life (work culture, political culture, art culture); in a narrower sense - the sphere of people's spiritual life.


It includes the objective results of people's activities (machines, structures, the results of cognition, works of art, moral and legal norms, etc.), as well as human forces and abilities realized in activities (knowledge, abilities, skills, level of intelligence, moral and aesthetic development, worldview, ways and forms of communication of people). Material and spiritual culture are in organic unity ...

Resorts and Rest

The Resorts and Recreation section is the process of restoring mental and physical performance, proceeding in the conditions of termination of activity that caused fatigue. Distinguish between passive and active rest. Passive rest provides for the cessation of previous activities and complete physical rest of the body, active rest - switching the activity of the body to another type of activity.

Resorts and Rest

Rest is one of the essential conditions for maintaining and strengthening health, maintaining high working capacity and achieving active longevity. Insufficient rest contributes to the accumulation of fatigue, leads to a loss of interest in work, a decrease in the reliability of operational activities, and predisposes to a violation of the state of health (occupational diseases, work-related injuries).

A full-fledged rest is an integral feature of a healthy lifestyle (see. Healthy lifestyle) and is provided due to the rational organization of free time, as well as special recovery measures that are included in the work mode ...


Massage section - is divided into hygienic, sports and therapeutic. Hygienic massage is one way of body care. It helps to maintain a good figure, prevents excessive deposition of fat, salts, etc.

Sports massage designed hl. arr. for athletes in order to strengthen muscles, restore the working capacity of tired muscles, quickly eliminate fatigue and restore strength. Such a massage helps to maintain a good athletic shape. Therapeutic massage is aimed at affecting the affected organ and the whole body. It can be general when the entire body is massaged, and local - partial when only the affected part of the body is massaged (foot, hand, back, etc.).


Self-massage is used for hygienic purposes, usually in the mornings, immediately after sleep, in combination with morning exercises and water procedures. Lying on your back, with circular strokes and light kneading movements along the large intestine (i.e., from right to left, starting from the right hypochondrium) massage the abdomen, while the abdominal muscles should be maximally relaxed. Such massage is especially useful for constipation caused by lethargy of the intestine, with sagging and obesity of the abdominal wall ...


The Nutrition section is one of the main conditions for a person’s existence, preservation of his health and ability to work. All life processes in the body are highly dependent on how a person’s nutrition is built from the first days of his life.

Every living organism in the process of life continuously spends its constituent substances. A significant part of these substances is burned (oxidized) in the body, as a result of which a lot of energy is released. The body uses this energy to maintain a constant body temperature, to ensure the normal functioning of internal organs (heart, respiratory apparatus, circulatory organs, nervous system, etc.) and especially to perform physical work.


In addition, the body constantly undergoes creative, so-called plastic, processes associated with the formation of new cells and tissues. To maintain life, it is necessary that all these expenses of the body are fully reimbursed. The source of such compensation are substances that come from food ...


Section Weather conditions - the state of the atmosphere in a given area or over a vast space that affects human activity. Weather refers to short-term conditions (days and weeks), in contrast to climate, a long-term and regularly recurring state.


Atmospheric characteristics that make up the weather: temperature, pressure, humidity, precipitation, cloudiness, clarity, visibility and wind power.

Many years of weather is called climate ...


Section Psychology - (English psychology) - a science that studies the mental processes and mental properties of a person, the mental state of a person and his activities. The most important subject of psychology is the laws of occurrence, development and manifestation of the human psyche and its highest form - consciousness.


The current state and development of psychology is characterized by the intensive growth of theoretical, applied and empirical research, the expansion of psychological and frontier developments proper, the widespread use of quantitative methods, various tests, scales, instruments, etc., computerization and active interaction with philosophy, sociology, cybernetics, linguistics and other sciences and disciplines ...


Section Rehabilitation - in medicine - restoration of normal life and disability of sick or disabled people, achieved by various treatment methods and the use of other special measures.

Rehabilitation is a combination of medical, social, and state events carried out with the aim of the maximum possible compensation (or restoration) of impaired or lost body functions and the social re-adaptation (or adaptation) of patients, victims and disabled people.


According to the conclusion of the WHO Expert Committee on Medical Rehabilitation (1970), this concept is defined as “the combined and coordinated use of medical and social measures, education and training or retraining, with the aim of providing the patient with the highest level of functional activity possible for him”...

Medical Care

The Patient Care section - should be considered as an essential part of the treatment, which plays a large role in restoring the patient’s health (they often say they didn’t “cure”, but “left” the patient).

Medical Care

Patient care includes: creating a hygienic environment for the patient, organizing the proper regimen and nutrition of the patient, the exact implementation of all the doctor’s prescriptions, the implementation of measures to preserve and restore the patient’s strength, close monitoring, protecting the weakened body from possible complications, sensitive and caring attitude to the patient ...


The section Physical education and sport is a sphere of social activity aimed at maintaining and strengthening health, developing the psychophysical abilities of a person in the process of conscious motor activity.


Physical culture is a part of culture, which is a set of values, norms and knowledge created and used by society for the purpose of physical and intellectual development of a person’s abilities, improvement of his physical activity and the formation of a healthy lifestyle, social adaptation through physical education, physical preparation and physical development ( in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 4, 2007 N 329-ФЗ "On Physical Culture and Sport in the Russian Federation")...

Fitness Center

The Fitness centers section is a complex of sports programs of a health nature, based on the use of various exercises: aerobics, shaping, dance movements, elements of gymnastics, martial arts and psycho-training. Fitness combines not only many types of physical activity, but also a balanced diet, as well as various types of testing, including medical testing.

Fitness Center

Appeared in the USA in the 1970s. In Russia, the first fitness club opened in Moscow in the early 1990s. After the collapse of the USSR, the Russian Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation (FBFR) was formed ...


Section On Health - a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of illness or physical defects. When considering dose-response relationships, one should be guided by the following: in principle, health is the state of the human body in which its functions do not need (according to the individual and health professionals) improvement; should take into account the physical and mental capabilities of a person, taking into account gender and age; the functional state of the individual should be comparable with the functional state of individuals from other similar groups of the same population; Further, the current state of medical science, the goals of health care, its social acceptability and characteristics (WHO) should be taken into account ...


This text was written using material from
EdwART. Glossary of the Ministry of Emergencies, 2010.
Human Ecology. Conceptual and terminological dictionary. -
Rostov-on-Don. Bb Prokhorov. 2005.
The latest philosophical dictionary. - Minsk: Book House. A.A. Gritsanov. 1999.
Encyclopedia of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science. M .: "Canon +",
ROOI "Rehabilitation". I.T. Kasavin. 2009.
Modern Encyclopedia. 2000.
Small Medical Encyclopedia. - M.: Medical Encyclopedia. 1991–96
Brief Encyclopedia of Household. - M.: Great Soviet
Encyclopedia. Ed. A.F. Akhabadze, A.L. Grekulova. 1976.
Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary.
Dictionary of practical psychologist. - M .: AST, Harvest. S. Yu. Golovin. 1998.
Encyclopedic Dictionary. 2009.
Environmental Encyclopedic Dictionary. - Chisinau: The main edition of the
Moldavian Soviet Encyclopedia. I.I. Grandpa. 1989.

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