Rolls with Midori. Signature dish
Rolls with Midori. Signature dish. Sushi is quite a popular food in the world...
Russian cuisine: the art of diversity
The art of cooking, like any other art, is always part of the history of the country, its culture, traditions and customs. Russian cuisine in this regard is no exception...
Most favorable for grape soils are considered loose, easy, do not hold water; standing water is very harmful effect on its roots. Mineral composition of soil is considered the best lime and clay, mixed with gravel. Tall, thin French wines from those vineyards in which the soil is from 10 to 52% gravel, oolitic stones, gravel, pebbles, rocks...
Wheat production and its importance to the economy
Wheat is the main bread in the South and South-East, where they are seeded from 1/3 to 1/2 of the wing of the earth, and in the Northern and Central Nonchernozem provinces — less than 1%. The export quantity of wheat, compared to other breads, it is evident from the following table...
Tea - the production, trade and consumption
How big are the size of tea production — it is impossible to determine, as the correct accounting of nowhere. On the participation of individual countries in supplying the world market of tea has often to judge by the reports of their external trade, i.e., only for export, leaving aside the local consumption, of course is very significant...
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