Physical culture:
physical education, part of the General culture of society; aimed at health promotion, the development of physical abilities, achievements in sports etc.
Physical education:
physical education, part of General education; aims to improve health, the harmonic development of the human body; one of the indicators of physical culture in the society. The main means of physical education - physical exercises, hardening of the body, hygiene of work and life.
"Russian Encyclopedic dictionary"
Disease, premature loss of health, early age - the consequences of non-compliance with basic rules of public and personal hygiene, the penalty for unreasonableness. All this can be avoided if lead a healthy lifestyle and exercise.
In the basis of mechanism of action physical activity is the principle of pranayamas. N. E. Vvedensky considered that the gradual and systematic exercise is the most reliable way of maintaining high health and health promotion.
Famous Soviet scientists A. A. Leporsky, V. N. Moshkov and others see physical exercise as a non-specific stimulus, and exercise therapy as a method of nonspecific therapy.
Therapeutic physical culture improve the General condition of patients, they improve mood and performance, reduced reactivity of the nervous system. Simultaneously activating the functions of the organs of circulation and respiration, muscular-articular apparatus, normalize the redox processes. Due to this physical training not only prevents disease but also cures. Active mode the patient with the use of specially chosen exercises speeds recovery, and disaster recovery. Physical exercise have a beneficial effect on the psyche of the patient, strengthen his faith in a speedy recovery and often benefit where other agents and methods do not give a positive effect.
The magnitude of physiological loading during physiotherapy sessions depends on many different factors, but it should always match the capabilities of the practitioner, his or her age and state of health.
For increasing the load should increase the number of exercises, number of repetitions and the pace of their implementation, to reduce pauses between the individual exercises. To reduce the load reduces the number of exercises, number of repetitions and the pace of their implementation, increasing pauses between them and more widely used breathing exercises.
The load can be considered correct if after gymnastics one feels the rush of vitality and energy. Appear the feeling of fatigue, the desire to relax after school shows overdose the load. The load should be gradually increased from the beginning to the middle classes and gradually decrease from the middle to the end of them.
Gymnastics is useful to finish water procedures (bath, shower, etc.), then it is necessary to RUB the body with a rough towel until you feel warmth.
In the process of physiotherapy sessions at home periodically (1-3 months), consult your doctor (or doctor of physical therapy) for examination of health status and inclusion in the complexes of possible adjustments. Before the beginning and at the end of each lesson, you must consider health (noting the degree of fatigue, the appearance or increased heart rate, shortness of breath, various pains, etc.). Self-control data it is expedient to bring in a special diary and show it to your doctor.
Therapeutic physical culture (physical therapy)
Physical exercise for pupils with deviations in health (specialized medical groups)
Therapeutic interventions in patients children and children at risk
Physical exercise for students with a deviation in health (specialized medical groups)
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