Peppermint oil

Peppermint oil - application, properties, composition

Many plants growing in various parts of the world have amazing and very useful essential oils. They are extracted from plant materials and used for healing and treating the body, for caring for the body and hair. Useful properties of essential oils are confirmed by many studies. And they can be freely purchased in specialized stores or via the Internet. The subject of our conversation today will be peppermint essential oil, the properties and application of which will be discussed and the composition in a little more detail.

What is peppermint oil valued for? What are its properties?

Peppermint essential oil has antiseptic, analgesic and antispasmodic properties. This product is also a good antioxidant. It helps eliminate inflammation and reduce body temperature. The oil obtained from peppermint leaves, activates the immune system, has a sedative and tonic effect. It is believed that such a product has bronchodilatory properties. It helps to cope with flatulence, can be used as a diaphoretic, diuretic and choleretic agent. Peppermint essential oil is characterized by repellent and refreshing qualities. Bactericidal, antiviral and anti-candidate properties are not pronounced.

Peppermint oil – application

Peppermint essential oil can be used to correct ailments of the upper respiratory tract. It is often used to eliminate voice loss, periodontal disease, bad breath. This product can improve immunity and neutralize toxins. It is advised to use to eliminate nausea (including seasickness), as well as headache and toothache. The use of peppermint essential oil well treats emotional stress and nervous exhaustion. Its use contributes to the elimination of acne, the treatment of insect bites and sunburn. This natural remedy is great for the care of aging, wrinkled, and oily skin.

Mint essential oil has a positive effect on lipid metabolism and blood composition. Its use eliminates bronchospasms.

Specialists of traditional medicine advise to use peppermint essential oil to correct cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, hepatitis, diarrhea, gastroenteritis, dyspeptic symptoms, constipation, gastralgia, flatulence and aerophagia. Such a tool perfectly treats stomach cramps and intestinal colic, as well as various food poisoning.

How is peppermint oil valued? What is its composition?

The main component of peppermint essential oil is menthol. It makes up to fifty percent of such oil. In addition, this substance is a source of alphapinene, menton, methyl acetate, dipenter, fellandren, menthofuran, limonene. The essential oil of peppermint contains some amount of cineol, citral, geraniol, carvone, dihydrocarvone and other components.

Peppermint oil - application, properties, composition

Peppermint oil in cosmetology

Peppermint essential oil for hair

Essential oil of peppermint will be especially useful for girls who suffer from excessive oily skin of the scalp, which causes very rapid hair pollution. This substance perfectly refreshes the scalp, copes with oily shine, adds vitality and attractiveness to hair.

Apply the essential oil of peppermint can be different, for example, adding three to four drops in a bottle of shampoo. This amount is enough for half a liter of detergent. You should not add oil to a single dose of shampoo, because it will be very difficult for you to calculate the desired dosage.

Even for hair care, you can heat the base oil in the amount of two tablespoons and drop a couple of droplets of peppermint oil into this mixture. Heat this mixture in a water bath, rub into the scalp and spread over the hair along the entire length. Cover the hair with a plastic bag and tie it with a warm scarf. Lie down to sleep with such a mask, and in the morning wash your hair with shampoo, as usual.

Peppermint Essential Oil for Lips

Peppermint essential oil is great for lip care. This product activates flushing of the lips, which makes them fuller and adds volume to them. Mint has a pleasant cooling effect.

For the preparation of a wonderful tool you need to drop one or two drops of peppermint oil in a teaspoon of vaseline. The resulting mixture should be applied to the lips, as an ordinary balm.

Peppermint Essential Oil for Face

This product can be used to make masks that soothe the skin, improve blood circulation and even out skin color. They are advised to use for application to oily, problem and combination skin.

Peppermint essential oil is excellent for the care of oily and combination skin type, it is also recommended to use for rashes - for their elimination and subsequent prophylaxis. Such a natural remedy will be an excellent find for owners of fading and tired skin. It remarkably reduces the formation of wrinkles, does not leave a greasy luster.

To prepare a face mask, you can prepare three tablespoons of oatmeal, mix a couple of drops of peppermint oil into it. Apply this mixture on the skin of the face and on the neck for a quarter of an hour, then wash with warm water. Repeat the procedure twice a week.

Peppermint essential oil is a surprisingly useful product that can help in the improvement of the body and body care.

Peppermint oil – application

Additional Information

For therapeutic and recreational purposes, not only peppermint essential oil can be used, but also the plant itself. Infusions and decoctions of leaves of this culture are widely used by specialists of traditional medicine.

Mint infusion of leaves. So for preparing the infusion, you need to prepare five grams of leaves and brew them with one glass of boiled water only. Insist means for a quarter of an hour, then strain. The resulting infusion is recommended for use in a tablespoon at intervals of three hours. This medicine will help to deal with gastritis with excessive acidity, colitis, liver and gallbladder ailments. He is advised to take for the correction of abdominal distention, intestinal colic and nausea.

Mint infusion of herbs. To prepare the infusion based on mint herb (aboveground part), you need to brew a tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water. Insist on medication for an hour, then strain. Prepared drink you need to drink a tablespoon five times a day. This medicine is useful for patients with spasms of the stomach and intestines, it will contribute to the treatment of gastritis and abdominal distention. Such an infusion of mint should be taken as a diaphoretic for colds, it makes sense to use it to eliminate cough, nervous disorders and heart problems.

Mint decoction of the leaves. Broth mint leaves will help to cope with rickets, scrofula and pain in the joints. In this case, it is used to add to the bath. To prepare such a means you need to boil fifty grams of vegetable raw materials in eight liters of water for a quarter of an hour. Infuse the medicine for half an hour, then pour it into the prepared bath.

Mint decoction of herbs. Mint decoction can also be used to eliminate PMS, for the correction of painful and excessively heavy menstruation. Such a tool treats well the ailments of the heart and blood vessels, headaches, etc. To prepare it, you need to brew a tablespoon of dried grass with half a liter of boiling water. Boil such a means on a minimum power fire for ten to fifteen minutes. Insist broth for another twenty minutes, then strain and take a couple of tablespoons three times a day just before the meal. It is necessary to use such broth for a long time - for two to four weeks.

Mint tincture of leaves. Alcohol tincture based on peppermint leaves is one of the most effective medicines for headaches, migraines and other such ailments. In addition, this drug can be used for rubbing and inhalation. To prepare the tincture, folk medicine experts advise to combine twenty grams of crushed fresh leaves with one hundred milliliters of alcohol. Prepare the drug for two weeks in a fairly dark and dry place. Strain the resulting product.

For headaches, sleep problems and excessive irritability, you need to take such an infusion of ten to fifteen droplets, dissolving the medicine in a small amount of water. Take the solution at bedtime for one week.

For the correction of nausea, vomiting and migraine, it is worth drinking twenty-five drops of it, dissolving it in a glass of cold water. Reception should be carried out once.

Inhalation will help to cope with colds, for their preparation, dissolve ten to fifteen drops of tincture in a liter of boiling water. Breathe in steam for a quarter of an hour. Repeat the procedure four times a day.

If you suffer from headaches and migraines, tincture should be rubbed temples and forehead, with a cold it should be applied to the chest.

Peppermint is a wonderfully healthy plant that benefits health. Based on it, they prepare a surprisingly beneficial essential oil and other medicinal compositions that heal the body and promote the treatment of many health problems.

Peppermint oil in cosmetology

Peppermint essential oil, application

Almost anyone knows about a plant like mint. It has long been used in the treatment, and mint stalks are found even in the tombs of the pharaohs. But today, people no longer pay attention to the healing properties of this plant. Mint is able to refresh and tone up the human body, and mint essential oil has all of its same virtues, but in a more concentrated form.

The use of peppermint essential oil

Aromatic oil from mint does not have a special activity, but do not exceed the recommended dose:

• The adoption of soothing and relaxing aromas is limited to adding a maximum of 7 drops of peppermint oil, diluted in an emulsifier. Initially, it is desirable to add only 3 drops, gradually increasing the dose.

• Mint is able to cope with inflammations in the oral cavity, to eliminate which it is necessary to mix peppermint aroma oil with any vegetable oil (1: 1 ratio). Cotton swabs are moistened in the mixture and inflammation is eliminated using the appliqué method.

• If you need a fast analgesic effect (muscle or toothache), then you need to mix the mint with any base oil, keeping the ratio of 1: 2.

• A total of 6 drops of mint diluted in oil-solvent is required for massaging and grinding procedures, as well as for compresses.

• To add to cosmetics take 2 drops of aroma oil for every 5 grams of product.

• Peppermint essential oil is also used in cooking, adding to wine, tea and desserts. For each liter of the drink enough 5 drops of mint.

• For aroma-medallions, 1 drop of oil is enough, but it is not recommended to use more than 3 drops of peppermint essential oil.

• When using an aroma lamp, it is recommended to add a maximum of 5 drops of mint oil to hot water.

A feature of this essential oil is that most insects simply do not tolerate its smell. This allows mint to get rid of insects by spraying it with the place where they most bother.

Peppermint essential oil, application


Before use, a sensitivity test is required, as mint can cause an allergic reaction.

Since mint neutralizes the effect of any homeopathic procedures, it should not be used by people undergoing them. For the same reason, phytopreparations should not be placed near the mint. It is not recommended to carry out procedures with mint oil for children under 6 years old.

Initially, after applying to the skin, it will feel tingling and cold, this is normal. You should not use mint oil for a long time, not making breaks in the evenings, as this can cause insomnia. The reason is its tonic effect on the nervous system, despite the overall sedative effect.

The therapeutic effect of peppermint essential oil and its compatibility with other oils

Peppermint can have a calming effect, but still has a large mass of merits. In medicine, it is used to relieve asthenic disorders (including nausea, dizziness, motion sickness), heartburn, toothache, the effects of overeating, stomach and muscle spasms, and heart pain.

Most actively used in medicine are antibacterial properties of mint and its peculiarity - cleaning mucous membranes. She also copes with blood circulation problems and improves the condition of the brain vessels.

The best combination of aromas with mint aroma oil is ylang-ylang, bergamot, lavender, basilic and jasmine oil. Mint goes well with ginger, geranium, neroli, sweet orange, nayoli, nutmeg and mandarin oil.

Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint Essential Oil

Mint essential oil has become widespread in many areas of modern life, including cooking, medicine, cosmetology and perfumery. It is known for its tonic and refreshing effect, and is also able to charge the body with energy and cleanse it. For cosmetology, only one characteristic of the mint essential oil - cleansing - is of particular importance.

Impact of mint oil on hair

The use of mint oil in hair care procedures is recommended for people who suffer from dandruff, have dull and brittle or greasy hair, as well as to normalize the release of fat by the scalp. Peppermint essential oil will help solve these problems in view of its cleansing properties.

A few drops of oil added to the shampoo will help speed hair growth. This is based on the fact that essential oil will have a positive effect on blood circulation in the scalp. The same method can be used for irritated skin, as the oil can relieve itching and inflammation of the skin of the head, disinfecting it.

It is worth paying attention to another feature of peppermint oil - in hot weather it has a cooling effect, and in cold weather, on the contrary, there is a warming effect.


Peppermint oil belongs to the category of tonic substances, which means that overuse of peppermint essential oil can cause skin irritation.

The use of peppermint oil for hair has another feature - its aroma, which remains on the hair after the procedure, is able to provide a relaxing and soothing effect. So, after the procedure, along with the improvement in the condition of the hair, a decrease in nervous tension and a positive emotional state will be observed.

Application of mint oil for hair

The easiest way to use peppermint oil is to add it to shampoos and conditioners. In the first embodiment, each time you wash your hair, you need to add 2 drops of essential oil to your palm with shampoo. This will give your hair a healthy look and provide a feeling of lightness and freshness.

To create a conditioner for hair at home, you will need mint leaves and mint essential oil. On a glass of boiling water is required to add 2 tablespoons of leaves and allow the infusion to cool to a warm state. After that, 3-4 drops of essential oil are added and the rinse is ready.

Now with this oil infusion you need to rinse your hair and rub it a little into the hair roots. It does not take a lot of time, but the general condition of the hair after the procedure becomes better.

Peppermint oil in the combing

Another simple treatment option for hair care with peppermint oil is combing. This will require a comb made of natural material, since ether can react with plastic or metal. A comb is taken and 2-3 drops of mint oil are added to it, after which it combes hair. This will make the hair soft and give them a natural shine, as well as the mint scent will last at least a day.

If you have a hair loss problem, a scalp massage with the use of peppermint is perfect. To do this, a small amount of ether must be rubbed into the skin of the head with massage movements. Massage improves blood circulation, and oil affects the hair follicles, making them stronger and healthier.

Peppermint oil as part of a hair mask

An effective way to solve dandruff problems, as well as to improve hair growth, are masks, which contain mint essential oil.

In the case of weak, dry or dyed hair, it is recommended to use a mask that requires 2 tablespoons of castor or burdock oil, in which 2 drops of mint ether are added. The resulting mixture is distributed through the hair, after which the head is warmed (using polyethylene) for 40 minutes. After this time, the hair must be thoroughly rinsed with shampoo.

In solving problems with normal or oily hair, yolk masks are used, for which you need to prepare 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, 2 egg yolks and 3-5 drops of peppermint oil. Beat the yolks, after which the rest of the ingredients are added. The resulting mass is distributed through the hair, the head is warmed for a period of 15-20 minutes, after which the composition is washed off using shampoo.

See Peppermint

Peppermint oil

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To the list of oilseeds of plant origin


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