Hamster Kombat

Literature to the section of nutrition and digestion

You can get detailed information about nutrition in the following literature sources and Internet portals that were used in writing materials for our site fiziolive.ru:

Ado A.D. General allergology. - M .: Medicine, 1978. - 464 p.

Aleksandrova V. A. Food allergies (textbook) / SPbMAPO. - 2001. - 18 p.

Allergic diseases / ed. Patterson R. et al. M .: Medicine. - GEOTAR. - 2000. - 385 p.

Allergic diseases in children / Ed. Studenikina M.Ya., Balabolkina I.I. - M .: Medicine, 1998. - 348 p.

Aruin L.I., Grigoriev P.Ya., Isakov V.A., Yakovenko E.P. Chronic gastritis. - Amsterdam, 1993. - 362 p.

Artamonov V.G., Shatalov N.N. Occupational diseases: Textbook. - 2nd ed., Pererab. and add. - M .: Medicine, 1988. - 416 p., Ill.

Balabolkin M.I., Gavrilyuk L.I. Diabetes. - Chisinau, 1983. - 199 p.

Baranov V.G., Gasparyan E.G., Silnitsky P.A. Obesity (lecture for medical students). - L .: LenHIDUV, 1986. - 17 p.

Baranovsky A.Y. Metabolic diseases. - SPb .: SpecLit, 2002. - 235 p.

Baranovsky A.Yu., Kondrashina E.A. Dysbacteriosis and intestinal dysbiosis. - 2nd ed. - SPb: Peter, 2000. - 224 p.

Baranovsky A.Yu., Nazarenko L.I. Tips on nutrition Russians. - SPb: Aton, 1998. - 414 p.

Baranovsky A.Yu., Nazarenko L.I. Medical nutrition in infectious diseases // “Guide to infectious diseases / Ed. Yu.V. Lobzina, A.P. Kazantsev. - SPb .: Comet, 1996. - p. 589-602.

Baranovsky A.Yu., Nazarenko L.I., Shapiro I.Ya. Therapeutic nutrition of infectious patients. - SPb: Radioavionika, 1997. - 108 p.

Baranovsky A.Yu., Raikhelson KL, Nazarenko L.I. Soybean nutrition in the treatment and prevention of diseases. Manual for doctors. - SPb .: Sphinx, 2003. - 96 p.

Baranovsky A.Y., Raikhelson K.L. Soy food in the treatment and prevention of diseases. Guidelines. - SPb .: SPbMAPO Publishing House, 2003. - 25 p.

Baranovsky A.Yu., Shostka G.D., Raikhelson K.L. and others. Protein-energy insufficiency in patients with end-stage chronic renal failure, corrected by various types of substitution therapy // Nephrology and dialysis. - 1999. - V. 1, № 1. - P. 21–26.

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Bessesen DG, Kushner R. Overweight and obesity. Prevention, diagnosis, treatment. M.: BINOM. - 2004. — 239c.

Beul E.A., Oleneva V.A., Shaternikov V.A. Obesity. - M.: Medicine., 1986. – 192 p.

Bogdanovich V.L. Diabetes. - N. Novgorod: Publishing house NGMA, 1997. – 195 p.

Bozhenkov Yu.G., Scherbyuk A.N., Shalin S.A. Practical pancreatology. - M .: Medical book, N.Novgorod: Publisher NGMA, 2003. - 211 p.

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Leiderman. I.N. Nutritional support is an essential component of accompaniment therapy in the treatment of cancer patients. - Moscow, 2002. - 24 p.

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The best recipes for home cooking, Compiled by: Oksana Mashkova, Publisher: Book Club "Family Leisure Club". Belgorod, Book Club "Family Leisure Club", Kharkov, 2007

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Encyclopedic dictionary Brockhaus FA and Efrona I.A. (1890-1907)

www.ru.wikipedia.org - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

www.PitanieLife.ru - Medical nutrition for diseases. Blog Olga Pirogov, with photos of ready meals.

www.say7.info - a site about cooking. Illustrated recipes of salads, appetizers, meat dishes, baking and other forum. Recipes.

www.oede.by - a site about cooking and healthy eating.

www.well-cooked.ru - the site contains very interesting and unusual recipes that are easy to prepare.

www.prodgid.ru is a site about healthy nutrition and health properties of products.

www.rasteniya-lecarstvennie.ru is a site about healthy nutrition and health properties of products.

www.naturalfoodseries.com is a site about healthy nutrition and health properties of products.

Photos from sites: www.123rf.com, www.istockphoto.com, www.thinkstockphotos.com, PitanieLife.ru

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