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The Ministry of health of the Russian Federation
Fsbi "Scientific center of obstetrics, gynecology and Perinatology named after academician V. I. Kulakov" Ministry of healthcare of the Russian Federation
All-Russian public organization "Federation of anesthesiologists and resuscitation specialists"
Interregional public organization of assistance to development of neonatology "Association of neonatologists"
Congress Operator: LLC MEDI Expo

Anesthesia and reanimation in obstetrics and neonatology. VIII All-Russia Congress (2015)

November 23–25, 2015

Radisson Slavyanskaya Hotel and Business Centre, Moscow – Europe Square, 2

Anesthesia and reanimation in obstetrics and neonatology. VIII All-Russia Congress (2015)

Congress leaders are:

E. N. Baybarina - Director of the Department of medical care for children and obstetric service of the Ministry of health The Russian Federation, Professor, MD

G. T. Sukhikh - Director of the fsbi "Scientific center of obstetrics gynecology and Perinatology. academician V. I. Kulakov" The Ministry of health of the Russian Federation, academician of the RAS

A. V. Pirogov - head of Department anesthesiology and intensive care, fgbi "Scientific center of obstetrics, gynecology and Perinatology academician V. I. Kulakov" of the Ministry of health The Russian Federation, MD

D. N. Degtyarev - the Deputy Director on scientific the work of the fsbi "Scientific center of obstetrics, gynecology and Perinatology. academician V. I. Kulakov" Ministry of healthcare of the Russian Federation, Professor, MD

Congress included in the Order of Ministry of health of Russia

At the Congress invited the doctors anaesthetist, neonatologists, obstetricians-gynecologists, transfusion, heads of departments and the heads of the obstetrics institutions, perinatal centers, policy makers and others.

In the framework of the Congress there will be a discussion of clinical recommendations the key problems of anesthesiology and resuscitation in obstetrics and neonatology; will be held lectures, round tables, master classes, clinical analysis, training seminars and trainings on the following areas:

Anesthesiology-reanimatology in obstetrics

School for nurses


Interdisciplinary approach to training of medical personnel for perinatal centers

During the Congress it is planned:

In the days of the Congress will be organized exhibition the exhibition of leading domestic and foreign pharmaceutical companies. Will also be presented new developments in the field medical drugs and equipment.

The course "Teach the teachers"

Organized with the support of the Federation of anesthesiologists and reanimatologists (Russia) and is based on RESEARCH of the Scientific center of obstetrics, gynecology and Perinatology. Acad. V. I. Kulakov Ministry Of Health Of Russia (Moscow).

Dedicated to the basic fundamentals of teaching of clinical disciplines in higher education, and contains practical recommendations applicable for the implementation of theoretical knowledge in simulation training and practical training.

The aim of the course: to teach teachers and young professionals the skills for effective teaching.

Course objectives:

  1. To show the effectiveness of different ways of teaching.
  2. To acquaint with methods of creating interest for listeners high efficiency of learning and manage their own time in the classroom.
  3. To generate new skills of conducting practical classes.
  4. To teach the rules for creating notes and presentations, the principles of debate.
  5. Change the view about teaching.

The main idea of the course: professional development professionals who teach clinical disciplines in medical schools. The course includes lectures, practical classes and workshops c the use of various learning technologies, interactive techniques, creation of clinical scenarios. In the course can participate teachers and medical professionals.

Course materials translated, augmented, adapted and modified by lecturers with the consent of the original mentors of the school "Teach the teachers!", organized in 2011.

This course is a continuation of a series of programs that are successfully held in Krasnoyarsk, Minsk (Republic of Belarus), in the city of Chita

The teachers of the course, trained in the schools "Teach teachers!", organized with the support of the world Federation of Societies Of anaesthesiologists (WFSA), the European Society of Anaesthesiology (ESA) and the Federation of anesthesiologists and resuscitation specialists (FAR) and "Essentials of Simulation" organized by CAE Healthcare:

Pyregov Alexey Viktorovich - MD, PhD, head Department of anesthesiology and intensive care, INSTITUTION "Scientific centre of obstetrics, gynecology and Perinatology. Acad. V. I. Kulakov" Of Rmph (Moscow)

Zaripova Zulfiya abdullovna - PhD, associate Professor, head. education at the Department of anesthesiology and intensive care First St. Petersburg state medical state University named after academician I. P. Pavlov, Saint-Petersburg

Babayants Andrey V. - PhD, Deputy chief physician for anesthesiology and intensive care unit of the MOSCOW city clinical hospital N 7 city of DZ Moscow, PhD Department of anesthesiology and intensive care, Institute of Clinical surgery of the Russian national research medical of the University.And. Pirogov, Moscow

Meals during the course, coffee breaks and lunch (dinner).

Participation fee: 2000 rubles.

Maximum number of participants 20 persons

named after academician V.I. Kulakov Ministry Of Health Of Russia

The history of the Scientific Center of obstetrics, gynecology and Perinatology named after academician V. I. Kulakov Russia (formerly the all-Union research centre for maternal and child) are closely connected with the history of obstetric clinic of Moscow University. Start teaching "bauchiero case" the first in Russia medical faculty of Moscow University refers to 1765. 25 years later, in 1790, was opened the art Department of midwifery and women's diseases, in 1806, organized the obstetric clinic based Midwifery Institute.

The center area of 39 986 m2 located in the South-Western district of Moscow and is of 8.28 hectares. From the designated area of 3.46 hectares intended for construction of new units, including the consultative-diagnostic polyclinic.

Center of obstetrics, gynecology and Perinatology named after academician V. I. Kulakov Russia

The Center operates the Department of obstetrics, gynecology and Perinatology faculty of postgraduate professional education of physicians, Moscow Medical Academy n. a. I. M. Sechenov.

The center is a leading institution of Russia in the field of obstetrics, gynecology and Perinatology, working on issues of women's reproductive health. The center employs specialists with a worldwide reputation.

The center has clinical and research departments, laboratories, experimental base, training center, organizational - methodical Department, scientific medical library, the administrative part of support services.

The Center conducts research, treatment-and-prophylactic, organizational and methodological work carried out scientific and methodological assistance to sectoral institutions and relevant departments of obstetrics and gynecology, scientific training and advanced training of obstetrician-gynecologists, neonatologists, anesthesiologists, therapists working in institutions of obstetric-gynecological profile.

Our Center is a leading research, treatment and educational institution of Russia in the field of obstetrics, gynecology and Perinatology, dealing with women's and men's reproductive health.

Research center of obstetrics, gynecology and Perinatology named after V. I. Kulakov Ministry of health of Russia is a modern scientific research, medical Advisory and production Center on the basis of traditions of scientific schools, close ties with basic and applied science, using innovative medical technologies, provides high-quality and effective medical services to patients with obstetrical, gynecological, endocrine disorders, on female and male infertility.The unification of scientific approaches and extensive practical experience allows us to effectively provide any medical assistance to newborn children, including premature infants and children born weighing less than 1000 g; to successfully prevent or eliminate the adverse effects of congenital and perinatal pathology.

The policy of the Center in the field of quality aimed at satisfying the requirements and expectations of patients when compliance with legal requirements and medical standards of services.

The centre, maintaining high quality of surgical treatment of gynecologic pathology, neonatal surgery, surgery of the pelvis, driving the growth of their competitiveness and prestige. The center is committed to domestic and international recognition in the field of training specialists in obstetrics, gynecology, Perinatology, surgery in the newborn period, andrology and related disciplines.

The main objective of the Center is to improve health and decrease mortality of the Russian population in antenatal and perinatal periods, through continuous improvement of quality of rendering of medical services, meet the requirements and expectations of patients.

In accordance with the specified policy, objectives of quality management are:

Continuous research and meeting the requirements and expectations of patients to offer medical and laboratory services with desired quality.

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