January 16-19, 2018
Moscow, Federal State Budgetary Institution NMITs AGP im. V. I. Kulakova of the Russian Ministry of Health (Academician Oparin St., 4)
Dear colleagues!
We invite you to take part in work of the XII International congress on reproductive medicine which will take place from January 16 to January 19, 2018 in the National medical research center of obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology of V. I. Kulakov, Moscow, Academician Oparin St., 4.
The emphasis of the scientific program of action will be placed on the most topical issues of modern reproductive medicine - prevention of maternal and perinatal incidence and mortality, reproductive losses; maintaining pregnant women with ekstragenitalny pathology and high risk of obstetric complications; problem in I dried out auxiliary reproductive technologies, with storage of reproductive health at various get sick the vaniyakh; questions of man's reproductive health; problems of a mammary gland in practice of the gynecologist; on medical and social aspects of health at awkward and advanced age, oncological risks and prevention of oncological diseases.
Will pass the plenarnyesessiya devoted to new methods of treatment of endometriosis, modern aspects of maintaining patients with infertility, to prevention and treatment of pathology of a neck of a uterus, infectious diseases, sexually transmitted. Master classes and schools in minimum and invasive technologies in reproductive medicine, on reconstructive operations at insolvency of muscles of a pelvic bottom, etc. will be held.
For work in the congress both the leading Russian scientists and experts, and foreign experts from authoritative universities, clinics, the medical centers of Belgium, France, Italy, Spain, Great Britain, Germany, Israel, the USA, Canada, Japan, India, Sweden and other countries are invited: D. Adamson, to Zh. Am, B. Arabin. S. Anderson, Z. Ben Raphael, A. Vattyez, D. Valsky, V. Gomel, A. Gratsiottin, Ya. Deprest, D. De Ziegler, A. Dzhenazzani, J. Di Renzo, Zh. Donn, G. Kekstein, K. Köhler, Sh. Kol, F. Koninks, V. Kyupker, E.Leblan, A. Luchiano, M. Maltsoni, S. Mekhsner, M. Mintz, And Ott, Y. Ott, A. Pelliser, Sh. Puntambekar, H. Remokhi, Sh. Renner, Di Renzo, V. Senikas, A.Setubal, M. Telang, H.-R. Tinneberg, R. Tozzi, A. Ussia, M. Friedman, R. Friedman, V. Chela, M. Chicherone, J. Shenker, J. Shyarra, A. Ebert, etc.
Within the Congress will pass the meeting of chief specialists of regions of Russia devoted to organizational aspects of health care, competition of young scientists, discussion of new clinical recommendations and the professional standard "doctor obstetrician-gynecologist". All participants of the congress will receive copies of clinical recommendations.
During action will pass broadcastings from operational the Center, there will be the slave a Tat a display at the exhibition of leaders Russian and for the rubezhnykh of producers of medicines and the medical equipment.
We ask you to publish the information letter on the congress on your website, and also to inform the medical institutions and HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS cooperating with you on an upcoming event.
Yours faithfully,
academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor,
Deputy director for scientific work
Federal State Budgetary Institution NTs AGIP im. V. I. Kulakova of the Russian Ministry of Health,
L.V. Adamyan
Each delegate registered and paid a registration contribution has an opportunity to visit a display at the exhibition within the congress.
In days of the Congress the exhibition of the leading domestic-owned and foreign firms making the medical equipment, medicines, an exhibition sale of specialized literature, presentation of new books and other actions will work.
Dear colleagues!
The congress received confirmation of the Commission on an assessment of compliance of training events and materials for the Continuous Medical Education (CME) and conforms to the established requirements of Coordination council for development of continuous medical and pharmaceutical education of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
Quantity of the credits – 12.
We pay attention that for obtaining the Certificate of NMO of the established sample with the indication of an individual confirmation code it is necessary to pay a full registration contribution and to take a full course of an educational program.
Certificates of NMO will be granted on January 19 after the termination of the scientific program.
On January 16-19, 2018 Moscow once again accepted the International congress on reproductive medicine. The elite of domestic and international obstetrics, gynecology, a present reproduktologiya gathered in halls of Federal State Budgetary Institution NMITs AGP im. V. I. Kulakova of the Russian Ministry of Health to focus attention of science and the medical public on problems of protection of reproductive health of a family. To an appeal of the President of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin "to reboot our policy of demographic development" vectors of development of domestic reproductive medicine which tasks is not only practical protection of man's, female and children's reproductive health, rendering the perinatal help, but also the innovative scientific development directed on improvement of diagnostics and treatment of diseases, increase of efficiency of auxiliary reproductive technologies, improvement of outcomes of pregnancy for mothers and newborns are conformable. According to current trends these aspects are fully reflected in the highly topical and versatile scientific program which was created thanks to a contribution of the international group of experts from Russia, the countries of Europe, America, Asia.
The organized by Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Russian society of obstetricians-gynecologists, Federal State Budgetary Institution National Medical Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology of a Name of the Academician V. I. Kulakov" the Russian Ministry of Health, Department of reproductive medicine and surgery of the Moscow State medico-stomatologic university of A.I. Evdokimov, Society on reproductive medicine and surgery (ORMH), the Russian Association of Endometriosis (RAE) and at technical realization by the congress operator of "Expo COPPER", International Congress was included into the Order of the Russian Ministry of Health.
As the head of the Congress professor, the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the director of Federal State Budgetary Institution NTsAGIP im. V. I. Kulakova Gennady Tikhonovich Sukhikh acts, the Chairman of organizing committee of the Congress - professor, the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Chief non-staff specialist of the Russian Ministry of Health on obstetrics and gynecology, the deputy director for scientific work of Federal State Budgetary Institution NTsAGIP im. V. I. Kulakova Leyla Vladimirovna Adamyan.
According to official statistics, 1267 participants took part in work of the Congress from 23 countries of the world (Austria, Azerbaijan, Algeria, Armenia, Belarus, Belgium, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Canada, the United Arab Emirates, Portugal, Russia, the USA, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, France, Sweden, Japan), 71 subject of the Russian Federation and 191 cities. The most numerous delegations (besides Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Moscow region) presented the Republic of Chuvashia, the Voronezh, Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov, Novosibirsk, Tver, Tula, Ivanovo areas, the Stavropol and Krasnodar edges. 272 speaker and the member of the Organizing committee acted with scientific and educational lectures and discussed on the main subjects of the Congress, namely: modern obstetrics, endometriosis, cellular technologies, proliferative diseases, onkoginekologiya, mammary gland, reproductive surgery, gynecologic endocrinology, man's health. 270 young scientists declared themselves participants of the dense scientific program of the Congress that causes genuine pride of the Organizing committee.
If the Big conference room of Federal State Budgetary Institution NMITs AGP im. V. I. Kulakova of the Russian Ministry of Health fills with high-motivated audience of obstetricians-gynecologists, perinatolog, onkoginekolog, reproduktolog, young scientists under classical music Mozart, Puccini, Piazzolla, Shostakovich performed by a symphonic orchestra "Virtuosos of Moscow" of V. Spivakov, and the international structure of Presidium is represented by three rows of academicians, professors and honourable figures, it means that under the leadership of the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences of Dry G. T. and the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Adamyan L.V. the International congress on reproductive medicine, for the history in time to become a peculiar symbol of the scientific and educational beginning of year opens. To accept on the platform the main names of world obstetric and gynecologic surgery of the present, among which Professor Christian Egarter (Austria), Professor John Dzh. Shyarra (USA), Professor Joseph G. Shenker (Israel), Professor Vito Chela (Italy), Doctor Marcello Ceccaroni (Italy), Professor Michael Friedman (Israel), Doctor Anastasia Ussia (Italy), Doctor Nathan R. Treff (USA), Professor Roberto Tozzi (Great Britain), Doctor Ikuko Ott (Japan), Doctor Asya Stepanyan (USA), Professor Antonio Setubal (Portugal), Professor Vita Senikas (Canada), Doctor Honggxing Pang (People's Republic of China), Professor Miriam Mintz (Sweden), Professor Eric Leblan (France), became a good tradition, and for quite some time now and a debt of the multipurpose establishment which is carrying out a role of the largest leading National scientific and clinical and educational complex since July, 2017.
Preservation and restoration of reproductive health of the population of the country - here the mission charged by the President and the Government. The "Micro ministry" nicknamed so the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation for the volume and exclusiveness of the assigned tasks causes pride and admiration from scales of innovative transformations today and gives rise to confidence in the beginning of a big way. In the performance the academician Sukhikh told about the latest technologies introduced in clinical practice of the Center on the basis of mass spectrometry and researches, joint with the Center of Mass spectrometry of the Province of Jiangxi (China). So, intraoperative diagnostics of new growths by mass spectrometry methods, or a method of the analysis "Clever knife", is own development of the Center and is used for the fast analysis and a differentiation of fabrics. For diagnosis of diseases according to mass spectrometer analysis of the exhaled air the hardware-software complex "Clever Nose" for diagnostics of the newborns who are on respiratory support allowing to detect deviations of composition of the exhaled air is created. The main feature of this system is possibility of noninvasive diagnostics of newborns.
Today the Center conducts innovative research works in the field of disclosure of new molecular mechanisms of formation of medicinal stability, interpretation of a genome of bacteria, development of PM alternative to antibiotics on the basis of probiotics and bacteriophages. The department of microbiology and clinical pharmacology, Department of clinical and molecular genetics, Laboratory of bioinformatics of NMITs AGP of Kulakov are engaged in studying of distribution and intensity of circulation of strains of activators (including resistant) infectious and inflammatory diseases among pregnant women, women in childbirth and newborns in regions of the Russian Federation.
During a ceremony of Opening of action in honorary members of the Academic council of NMITs AGP of V. I. Kulakov the director of Institute of obstetrics, gynecology and a reproduktologiya of D. O. Ott, professor, the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Aylamazyan E.K. were devoted.; professor, the Honored doctor of the Russian Federation, the President of GBUZ MO "Moskovsky oblastnoy NII Akusherstva i ginekologii", the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Krasnopolsky V. I.; professor, the Honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, the Honored doctor of the Russian Federation, honourable professor of department of obstetrics and gynecology N 1 PMGMU of I.M. Sechenov, the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sidorova I.S.; The honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, the Head of the department of obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology of PMGMU of I.M. Sechenov, professor, the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Strizhakov A.N.; professor of obstetrics, gynecology and medicine of mother and a fruit in Office of obstetrics and gynecology of Medical school of University of Northern Carolina, Doctor Nancey Chescheyr (USA) for the significant contribution to development of obstetrics and gynecology.
Finishing the emotional speech of a ceremonial opening, the academician Sukhikh traditionally remembered geniuses of the left eras and quoted Henry Ford: "To gather there is a beginning. To keep together there is a progress. To work together there is a success".
The international congress on reproductive medicine under the leadership of the academician Adamyan L.V. always differs in impressive structure of foreign lecturers. "In the international sounding the Congress is directed on friendship, development and on creation of a platform - geneticists of our relationship", - the academician Sukhikh comments. According to Gennady Tikhonovich, "the policy always passes. There is everything that glubinno and bazisno: person, science, health". For four days from lips of 42 foreign experts representing 16 countries, participants listened to reports on problems of myoma of a uterus and endometriosis, obstetrics and perinatology, therapy hormonal and dependent gynecologic to approaches to treatment of malignant tumors of reproductive system, problems of a reproduction and reproductive health, questions of decrease in maternal mortality and conducting pregnancy with high risk of premature interruption, to cellular technologies in reproductive medicine, on aspects of maintaining by the complicated somatic pathology of pregnancy, esthetic gynecology. The center is proud of the developing fetalny surgery and therapy of a fruit in the walls, however needs the help from foreign colleagues and the advanced innovative establishments. In this connection visit of the Doctor of science and Doctor of philosophy, professor of obstetrics and gynecology of medical faculty and hospital of Lyovensky university Jan Depresta is important. Professor from Belgium devoted the performance to maintaining monokhorialny twins.
The scientific program of the Congress opened plenary session concerning myoma of a uterus and endometriosis presidency in which was headed Dry G. T. academician, the academician Adamyan L.V., academician Sidorova I.S., Professor Shyarra Dzh. (USA), Professor Koninks F. (Belgium), Professor Egarter K. (Austria), Doctor Faustmann T. (Germany).
The performance academician Adamyan L.V. I devoted to differential approaches at women of reproductive age to such benign diseases of a uterus as myoma, аденомиоз, a giperplaziya which common features are reduced to change of a phenotype, proliferative activity, polarity, an invasion, migration of cages, possibility of atipichesky transformation. By data the autopsiynykh of researches, myoma of a uterus comes to light on average at 80% of women. Clinically myoma of a uterus demonstrates at 30–35% of women aged after 35 years; twice meets at representatives of black race more often.
Adenomioz develops at 15% of women. About 15-20% of patients with adenomiozy also have external genital endometriosis. With the adenomiozy find the accompanying uterus myoma in 50-60% of patients. Giperplaziya an endometriya is marked out approximately at 5% of gynecologic patients. To frequency of an atipichesky giperplaziya the endometriya varies over a wide range from 2,1 to 10,1%. Various combinations of these diseases meet practically at every third woman these pathologies. Uterus myoma – an illness of every third woman of reproductive age. As for new, in development of myoma of a uterus family forms, an epigenetika are specified, risk factors, among which genetics, race, age, early menarche, number of childbirth, caffeine and alcohol, others are specified (obesity, increase the HELL).
The exact reasons of approach of infertility at myoma aren't established: mechanical influence, impact on a zone of an attachment of a placenta and an embryo, influence on blood supply, influence on a retseptivnost an endometriya are possible. Besides, during performance the academician Adamyan L.V. in detail I stopped on questions of tactics of maintaining myoma of a uterus depending on localization, surgical treatment of myoma of a uterus during pregnancy, risks of emergence of the leyomiosarkoma developed by NMITs AGP of Kulakov of classification of endometriosis, the mass and spectrometer analysis of lipidic composition of fabrics at endometriosis, modern technologies in treatment of an adenomioz, organ-preserving surgical treatment of an adenomioz, treatment of a giperplaziya an endometriya, alarm ways in development of hyper plastic processes of a uterus on algorithms of maintaining patients with adenomiozy, patients with endometriosis at infertility and patients at the combined hyper plastic processes of a uterus. Myoma of a uterus is the main reason of hysterectomies at women of reproductive age.
In Russia 130 thousand hysterectomies concerning uterus myoma, and 18% from them - with uterus appendages are annually carried out. The subject of hysterectomies was continued by honourable Professor and the head of office of obstetrics and gynecology of Medical school of Northwest University Chicago John Shyarra (Illionoys, the USA). Professor reported about changes, development trends, alternatives of hysterectomies and their reasons. Many researches showed that quality of life of women significantly increases after a hysterectomy at benign diseases. According to professor while the hysterectomy is 100% successful the decision in treatment of benign pathology of a uterus, alternative methods such aren't; consultation of patients extremely important at discussion of alternatives of a hysterectomy with patients, it has to be involved in decision-making process; options have to be offered on the basis of the produced evidence.
Honourable Professor of obstetrics and gynecology of Lyovensky university, Oxford university (Great Britain), Catholic university Rima (Italija) Philip Koninks (Lyoven, Belgium) presented treatment of endometriosis as "Pandora's box". On the agenda of the message the expert took out a number of problems of medicamentous therapy and surgical treatment of a disease.
In the report "Uterus myoma. Difficulties of a solution", prepared by the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sidorova I.S. and professor Kogan E.A. (Moscow, Russia), authors noted along with classification, molecular and biological features, molecular and genetic links of pathogenesis of a proliferative syndrome, a proliferative syndrome that modern strategy of treatment of proliferative diseases is pathogenetic reasonable correction of violations of molecular and biological processes.
Professor and the head of office of gynecologic endocrinology and reproductive medicine of Medical university of Vienna Christian Egarter (Vienna, Austria) acquainted participants of the Congress with the mechanism of operation of selective modulators the progesteronovykh of receptors concerning uterus myoma.
Performance of Doctor Thomas Faustmann (Berlin, Germany) put end to the first plenary session of the Congress. The doctor focused attention of audience on empirical therapy of endometriosis which use instead of invasive methods of diagnostics is supported by the clinical managements of European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada (SOGC) and which has a number of such advantages as knocking over of symptoms, delay of progressing of a disease, decrease in side effects of long-term therapy, improvement of quality of life of women. Some women suffer from painful symptoms and/or infertility while at part of women proceeds bessimptomno. Exact prevalence of endometriosis is unknown, but believe that that varies from 2 to 10% in female population in general, thus at women with infertility that makes to 50%. According to the prospektivny global research of health of women conducted by the World fund of researches of endometriosis, this disease affects women in the best years of their life: 64% of patients are younger than 30 years. Endometriosis should be considered as the chronic disease demanding the lifelong plan of maintaining which purpose as much as possible to use possibilities of medicamentous therapy and to minimize risks of surgeries, the expert summarizes.
High interest of participants was caused by plenary session under the chairmanship of Doctor Chescheyr N. (USA), professor Konoplyannikov A.G., corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Makatsariya A.D., MD Tetruashvili N. A., corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Radzinsky V. E., professor Bashmakova N. V., MD Shmakov R. G., professor Deprest Ya. (Belgium), professors Senikas V. (Canada) during whom participants discussed problems of surgical interventions in system mother fruit, the Belgian experience of successful childbirth after transplantation of ovaries, violation of a hemostasis and maternal mortality, domestic experience of prolongation of pregnancy at patients with a premature rupture of fetal covers, modern approaches to therapy of women with a habitual abortion, growing of a placenta, the Ural experience of improvement of quality of obstetric aid. The most global problem of world gynecology – a still birth – became an object of research of Professor of obstetrics and gynecology of University of McGill Vita Senikas (Ottawa, Canada). Professor focused attention on new data relatively of the reasons and prevention of a still birth. According to Vita Senikas, the etiology of this phenomenon remains to the unknown in most cases: 25 – 60% of the unknown reasons can be carried to mother's factors (obesity; age; smokings/alcohols/drugs; trauma; infections; HELL, hypertension, diseases of a thyroid gland; earlier existing diseases; autoimmune frustration; Rhesus factor incompatibility; giperpireksiya; trombofiliya; trauma; холестаз pregnancies; obstetric reasons (otsloyka of a placenta, rupture of fetal covers, polycarpous pregnancy); the premature, complicated by a gap uterus childbirth); to fruit factors (polycarpous pregnancy, defects, infections) and placentae (an otsloyka; rupture of an umbilical cord; placentary insufficiency; prelying of a placenta; syndrome of a feto-fetalny transfusion; horioamnionit; feto-maternal bleedings; external turn of a fruit on a version head). Chief obstetrician-gynecologist of Department of health care of the city of Moscow, professor Konoplyannikov A.G. I began the performance with the comment, urging not to be limited to a narrow orientation of doctors: "when we will cease to divide the country into obstetricians, gynecologists, doctors of female consultations, reproduktolog, here then at us everything will change". Professor paid the main attention to a question of infertility and use of EKO, having lit the standard and legal documents regulating carrying out the EKO procedure for compulsory health insurance, aspects of the partner as the donor, childbearing age of the woman, aspects of the preimplantatsionny genetic diagnostics (PGD) and the preimplantatsionny genetic screening (PGS), and also questions of substitute motherhood. The number of the organizations which are carrying out EKO on compulsory health insurance grew with 15 in 2015. to 35 organizations in 2018.
According to 2012 - 2017, the number of the carried-out EKO procedures grew by 27%, number of patients at whom there came pregnancy, – for 28%; the number of the been born children (incl. twins, triplets, etc.) grew by 31%.
In end professor Konoplyannikov addressed to the hall, urging to think of big obstetric problems before solving any serious problems of a female reproduction. According to the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Radzinsky V. E., premature birth is the main problem of perinatal medicine, and for the next 10 years including.
Annually in the world of 15 000 000 children are born prematurely. More than 1 000 000 children annually die because of the complications connected with premature birth. Many survived children suffer from lifelong disability, including difficulties in training, and also problems with sight and hearing. For the last 60 years the frequency of premature birth didn't decrease, and the last 20 years its increase is observed.
The highly topical program of the first working day was finished by Meeting of chief specialists of obstetricians-gynecologists under the leadership of the academician L.V. Adamyan.
Within the Congress unique reports of a number of foreign experts, among which Dr. Nathan Treff (Nort-Bransuik, the USA) who covered aspects of a mitochondrial kopiynost as a biomarker of reproductive potential of an embryo to an implantantion were heard; professor Tsion Ben Raphael (Tel Aviv, Israel) who told about the social and economic party of freezing of embryos; the head of office of difficult oncological surgery of Clinical center Altona Asklepios, Dr. Kristkhardt Köhler (Hamburg, Germany) who presented laparoscopic surgery at boundary tumors of ovaries in the review, and also the new guide of ESGO/ESTRO/ESP to a uterus neck cancer therapy; the leading clinical physician of office of gynecologic oncology of hospital of the Oxford university, professor Roberto Tozzi (Oxford, Great Britain) which message "you treat not the person, and cancer, you remember it".
For the first time within the Congress throughout a saturated section meeting under the leadership of the academician G. T. Sukhikh, professor O. G. Pekarev young scientific NMITs AGP of Kulakov discussed questions of cellular technologies in reproductive medicine. It is absolutely new part of the Scientific program showing the contemporary history in development of domestic reproductive medicine. The academician Sukhikh highly appreciated training of participants, having commented that "part of reports make dazzling success, each of them has tremendous prospects". The innovative report on modern opportunities of cellular therapy of a syndrome of Asherman, development of a fabric and engineering wall of a vagina, joint with the Kurchatov NBIKS-tekhnology complex of Research Center Kurchatov Institute, cellular technologies in treatment thin an endometriya, application of cellular technologies in corrections of a hem of a uterus, an autologichny sokultivirovaniye of embryos of the person with cages of a kumulyus at treatment of infertility – are that the theory and experience of application of cellular therapy in the Center to which Gennady Tikhonovich put the summarizing end: "I am glad that we understand that we do. I am glad that we understand it much better, than somewhere on the Globe"... We possess enormous experience. We have intelligence. We possess future".
Authoritative scientists, experts, among which, along with above-mentioned, also professor Prilepskaya V. N., professor Bashmakova N. V., professor Zhordaniya K.I., professor Andreyeva E.N., professor Dobrokhotova Yu.E., professor Chernukha G. E., professor Hodzhayeva Z.S., professor Uvarova E.V., professor Podzolokova N. M., professor Bezhenar V. F., professor Malyshkina A.I., professor Kahn N. E., professor Shakhova M. A., professor Serebrennikova K.G., professor Degtyarev D. N., professor Tarasova M. A., professor Balan V. E., MD Tetruashvili N. K., MD Shmakov R. G., Candidates of Medical Science. Abubakirov A.N., MD Sencha A.N., MD Yurenev S.V., MD of Kalinin and many others for four days imparted E.A. knowledge and experience with audience of the International congress. Actual reports of research regional teams from Surgut, Stavropol, Khabarovsk, Volgograd, Tyumen, Ulan-Ude, Astrakhan, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Samara, Ivanov, St. Petersburg, Kemerovo, Izhevsk, and also variety of parallel educational and practical formats in the form of plenary and section sessions (17), schools (4), round tables, master classes provided to action a scientific saturation.
Relevance and high priority of the subjects declared on the agenda which wide range captured malignant diseases in gynecology, the organ-preserving surgery in an onkoginekologiya complicated by somatic pathology of mother and a fruit pregnancy, a nervosberezheniye in pelvic surgery, reconstructive gynecology at malformations of genitals, kolorektalny endometriosis, a combination of uterine and ektopichesky pregnancy, reproductive and sexual violations at men after surgical treatment of a gipospadiya, substitute motherhood, a cryopreservation of oocytes and preservation of reproductive potential, fruit questions as the patient, pregnancy with high risk of premature interruption, current trends of gynecologic endocrinology, a roditelstvo in old age, a way of decrease in maternal incidence and mortality, stimulation of an ovulation at SPKYa a combination of an adenomioz to endometriosis, endometriosis at not giving birth, a displaziya and a cancer of a neck of a uterus at pregnancy, VPCh, experience of a robotokhirurgiya at a cancer an endometriya, a laparoscopy, global tendencies of VRT, modern therapy of hormonal and dependent gynecologic diseases, epilepsy and reproductive health, endovascular surgery in gynecology and obstetrics and many other subjects which sounded within 245 reports.
Within the Congress, on a row with Competition of young scientists, experts of NMITs AGP of Kulakov and foreign colleagues carried out Schools which main subjects became sexology in practice of the gynecologist, alcohol intake during pregnancy, obesity during pregnancy, publications in the reviewed magazines.
Master classes were presented to a traditional and key component of the Scientific program of the International congress - live broadcasts from operational NMITs AGP of V. I. Kulakov. On the Congress-2018 Professor Arnaud Vattiez (France), Professor Mario Maltsoni (Italy), Professor Chekkaroni M. (Italy), Professor Eric Leblan (France), Professor Jacques Amu (France) in team with surgeons of the Center prodemonstririvat surgical approaches to the solution of reproductive problems: adhesive process, pipe перитонеального a factor of infertility, endometriosis, intrauterine pathology, to preservation of reproductive potential at onkoginekologichesky pathology.
All participants of the Congress received copies of clinical recommendations "Obstetrics and gynecology (protocols of treatment)" under edition of the academician L.V. Adamyan, the academician V. N. Serov, the academician G. T. Sukhikh, professor O. S. Filippov.
The scientific program of action received confirmation of the Commission on an assessment of compliance of training events and materials for the Continuous Medical Education (CME) and conformed to the established requirements of Coordination council for development of continuous medical and pharmaceutical education of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
In days of carrying out the Congress the display at the exhibition of 12 leaders of the Russian and foreign producers of medicines and the medical equipment took place.
The XII International congress on reproductive medicine was included into historical memory and hearts of participants heat of grandiose emotions and a celebration of high science, extraordinary approaches and a revolutionary spirit of innovative transformations. The tone of perfection set by masterly musicians broadcast success and inspiration on the course of the difficult four-day Congress, having left impression of an extraordinary event. The scientific committee thanks all and everyone for active participation in action, for invaluable desire to feel in line with an advanced science. You come to walls of the Center, to the scientific and educational congresses and derive pleasure, happiness to study at classics and masters, to study in an environment of the legends which gave decades on development of domestic obstetrics, whose scientific works light hearts and are called as feats, whose noble figures serve medicine as to science and art and energy of commanders conduct to the highest tops.
To a meeting on the XIII International congress on reproductive medicine in 2019!
Materials about the congress on the site www.mediexpo.ru
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