Cocoa butter has long been used in cosmetology practice. Its popularity is due to the very rich and healing composition of this product. If you are lucky to buy real natural cocoa butter, be sure that the money you spent was not in vain, and in your hands turned out to be a really useful substance. It contains a large proportion of fatty acids, among which are unsaturated (stearic) and saturated (linoleic and oleic), they are simply indispensable for the normal functional activity of every living organism.
How many amazing products exist, about the benefits of which we do not even guess. Many of them are so undeserved and remain lying on the kitchen shelves, getting only in food. One of these products is cocoa butter. It is also called the "gift of Aphrodite" or "the food of the Gods." It is almost impossible to refuse to use it, - it’s only once you feel the amazing effect on yourself and it will become clear how valuable this cosmetic product is, and it is also easy to use. That is why, probably, masks with cocoa butter at home and are very popular.
What is cocoa butter?
This drug has a light yellow shade, sometimes creamy, and has an amazing mouth-watering aroma. This “gift of Aphrodite” was given this name due to its unique cosmetic and healing properties. At room temperature, it has a solid consistency. Cocoa butter is an effective moisturizer that activates the process of skin regeneration due to the restoration of all layers of tissue. Its regular use will prevent early aging and wilting of the skin.
The composition of cocoa butter
The main active components in the composition of this product are the following acids:
- stearic acid - it contributes to the creation on the skin surface of protective barriers that reflect the effects of harmful UV rays, sea salts, as well as other attacks from the outside;
- oleic - necessary for the normalization of lipid metabolism, as a result of which the sebaceous glands improve their work, and the cells are better nourished and saturated with oxygen;
- palmitic - provides oxygenation of all cells of the epidermis, which can be seen on the leveling shade of the face, the natural radiance of the skin;
- Lauric - is an excellent moisturizer that prevents peeling of the skin, contributes to the normalization of intracellular water-salt metabolism, and also retains moisture in the cells;
- linoleic - prevents wilting and dry skin, and also enhances the effect of lauric acid;
- arachidic - increases the ability of cells to absorb nutrients, prevents starvation of cells.
The action of these acids leads to a well-marked result after several weeks of using products containing cocoa butter. In addition, the main ingredient includes vitamin E, which is necessary for elasticity, firmness and smoothness of the skin; vitamin K, which allows to normalize blood clotting in various situations. Due to the sufficient amount of this vitamin, the skin has the ability to heal quickly, problem areas, cracks and inflammation disappear. The high content of phytosterols allows you to successfully deal with a number of skin diseases and prevents aging of the skin.
Product Features
Cocoa butter has a persistent, easily recognizable chocolate flavor, at normal room temperature it is a hard and rather fragile substance, and when heated to 32°C it melts and becomes liquid.
The use of cocoa butter for therapeutic purposes
This product is actively used for various ailments of the heart and blood vessels. Moderate consumption provides a fairly quick and lasting positive effect. In addition, this vegetable oil is successfully used to calm and restore our nervous system, to normalize the mental state and relieve the symptom of emotional overload. Scientific studies that were conducted by scientists in Austria and Germany, confirmed that regular consumption of cocoa butter for food helps to normalize high blood pressure, thus, this product significantly reduces the risk of vascular and heart diseases.
Traditional medicine recommends the use of cocoa butter for colds, viral or infectious etiology. For example, it is advised to simply apply it to the nasal mucosa, which will speed up the process of getting rid of a cold. In addition, you can melt a little butter in the heated milk and drink it in small sips. This remedy will be especially useful for bronchitis and various types of cough. The oil can also be used to grind the region of the sternum, it will provide blood flow to the lung area, thus contributing to the improvement of overall well-being.
Cocoa butter is an excellent laxative. If you have problems with the stool, drink one teaspoon of such a product at night. Repeat this technique for three weeks, and you will forget about this unpleasant problem.
With atherosclerosis, it is recommended to take half a teaspoon of this product twice a day about a quarter of an hour before meals. It will not only cleanse the body of "harmful" cholesterol, but will also prevent plaques on the surface of the blood vessel walls.
Cocoa butter can help with tuberculosis, sore throat and pneumonia. To prepare the healing composition, melt ten parts of the oil in a water bath and mix into it one part of finely grated propolis. Remove from heat and stir constantly until completely cooled. Take this remedy for half a tablespoon three times a day. The best time to take is one hour before meals.
Cocoa oil is applied externally, it is applied to burns and wounds as an anesthetic, in addition, it helps to relieve the obsessive itching.
This product has an excellent effect on varicose ulcers, it is used to apply appliqués on the affected areas.
The use of cocoa butter in cosmetology
This substance is an excellent ingredient for various cosmetic compositions. It has an excellent effect on dry skin of the feet. If you have cracked your heels, apply melted cocoa butter on your feet, rubbing it in with neat massage movements.
If you have a dry skin type, then this product may well replace your face cream. Just melt before bedtime a small piece of oil in your palms and apply it on the skin.
This product is a real find in the cold season, when the use of conventional care products does not have the desired effect. In frosty and windy weather, apply the oil on your face just before going outside, and then slightly powder or dab the skin with a normal napkin.
In the summer heat oil is recommended to put on the feet and hands, protecting them from dirt and dust. In addition, it will have an excellent impact if you use it before sunbathing or before going to the pool. Such a film on the skin will protect you from harmful solar radiation and from the effects of bleach.
Cocoa butter can be used to care for the skin around the eyes. Moisten in a melted product gauze, folded in several layers, then apply it on the face. After a quarter of an hour, wash with cool water. For greater effect, wipe your face with an ice cube frozen with parsley broth.
Contraindications to use
Like many active agents, cocoa butter has certain prohibitions to use. So it can not be used for people with diabetes. In addition, this product may cause individual intolerance.
When is it good to use cocoa butter?
The home-made preparations on the general condition of the epidermis have a beneficial effect. They are used for dry and tightened skin, help eliminate scars, scars, postoperative sutures. This product is also useful for fading, wrinkled skin, acne and inflammation, allergic irritations, burns, herpes rashes. In addition, cocoa butter is used to strengthen the hair.
Cocoa Butter Face Masks
At home, it is easy to prepare compositions for masks based on this unique product. The simplest application is to apply oil directly on the entire surface of the face, without disregarding the delicate area around the eyes. Twenty minutes later, wipe the skin with a napkin dipped in warm homemade milk. It is advisable to carry out the procedure at night. It is important to remember that this product remains solid until it is heated to 35 degrees. Therefore, before applying in its pure form or before preparing the masks, the piece should be held in the palms until it takes on a creamy consistency.
To get an anti-inflammatory mask, you need to mix: a teaspoon of cocoa butter and chamomile oil, the juice of one fresh leaf from aloe, a tablespoon of cucumber grated on a fine grater. Mix all the components, apply the mass on the face, hold for 20-30 minutes, and then carefully remove with a napkin or warm water.
A rejuvenating face mask with cocoa butter will eliminate your tired appearance. To make it, you need to chop fresh parsley, take two tablespoons, mix with 1 tablespoon of cocoa butter (pre-melt above the steam bath). Apply to face, leave for 25 minutes. The effect is not long in coming.
Cocoa butter from wrinkles around the eyes and corners of the mouth: melt one teaspoon of the main product, add one fresh yolk, half a teaspoon of honey, one teaspoon of carrot juice. Mix well and lastly add 10-12 drops of fresh lemon juice. Apply the resulting texture on the face, leave for 25-30 minutes, rinse with warm water. Face can not be rubbed even if it remains greasy trail of oil. If necessary, blot residues with a dry cloth (or soak it in milk). Ideally, it is better to let the “residue” soak into the skin overnight.
Mask for oily skin: melt one teaspoon of cocoa butter, add to it the same amount of oil from wheat germ, one tablespoon of chopped pulp of fresh pumpkin. Apply the obtained product on your face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. To make the effect noticeable, you need to use this mask three times a week.
Purifying mask: melt two tablespoons of the main component, add one teaspoon of natural honey, a tablespoon of powdered walnuts. Chop a teaspoon of oatmeal and add to the bulk. The result is a very effective anti-inflammatory and cleansing mask that instantly eliminates black spots and heal acne. It can be applied to the skin, gently massaged (it has a slight scrub effect), then left on the skin for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. It is advisable to apply at least twice a week.
Cocoa Butter Hair Masks
Due to its ease of use, a number of useful properties and surprising delicate aroma, cocoa butter has earned great popularity in homemade recipes and cosmetology. Hair is no exception. This product has a stimulating effect on hair growth, and also strengthens their structure, eliminates fragility. They become obedient, smooth, strong. Handling cocoa butter with hair is useful before swimming in the pool, which will protect them from the effects of bleach.
Firming hair mask
Use only heated oil. So it will give a greater effect and better wash off. For this mask, you will need to pre-cook an infusion of rosemary. Two tablespoons of dry matter pour a glass of boiling water, wait half an hour until the infusion is ready. When it cools, strain and mix with two tablespoons of cocoa butter. The resulting mass is applied to wet hair before washing is scheduled (approximately two hours). Wrap your head with a film and a warm towel. This hair mask with cocoa butter will warm the scalp well, which will stimulate hair growth.
Mask against hair loss
Easy to prepare, but very effective: mix one tablespoon of burdock and cocoa butter, one egg yolk, add a tablespoon of fatty kefir. Carefully grind all the components until a homogeneous composition, rub into the scalp and distribute over the entire length of the hair. You can keep an arbitrary amount of time, as the composition is completely harmless and extremely useful. For a lasting effect, it is recommended to make a course of 15-16 procedures. After application, wash your hair with shampoo.
Dry hair recipe
Mix in equal proportions cocoa butter and burdock, add a solution of vitamin E, crush the capsule of vitamins "Aevit". You can add a few drops of orange essential oil to the composition. Spread the agent evenly from root to tip, wrap in film, leave for 30-40 minutes. After use, rinse well with shampoo. After such a tool does not even need a balm: the hair will be soft and docile.
Very active stimulating mask
To strengthen weakened hair and give impetus to their growth, you need to prepare the following composition: a teaspoon of honey, as much apple cider vinegar mixed with a tablespoon of cocoa butter. Add half a cup of kefir or natural yogurt (must be fermented milk product). Apply the mass especially carefully at the roots, in the forehead, on the temporal region. The composition is very active, so keep more than 10-15 minutes is not worth it. repeat no more than once a week.
Cocoa Butter wrinkles around the eyes
This product differs from all other types of oils with its strong, but very soft and gentle effect. Therefore, it is recommended to use for sensitive eyelid skin and skin around the eyes. In order not to overload the epidermis, you need to apply quite a bit of the drug. The oil can be used in its pure form, neatly putting it on the place of the appearance of wrinkles or dark circles. It can be used in the composition of medical masks.
For the next procedure, we need a small piece of gauze, folded in three or four layers. Make him a bandage with cut eyes. Melt cocoa butter, add a few drops of vitamin E to it. Moisten the dressing in this paste well, attach it to the eye area, cover with a soft towel on top. After 15-20 minutes, rinse everything with water at room temperature, and then rub it with a cube of frozen chamomile broth or with ordinary ice. This procedure will strengthen the capillaries, relieve wrinkles and swelling under the eyes.
This product cares for the delicate parts of our body and is absorbed as much as the skin needs. For the nutritional mask you need to take a tablespoon of the main component, add the same amount of avocado oil and your favorite essential oil. So you can get not only a composition for compresses, but also a cream for daily care.
Eye wrinkle mask
Mix the base product with egg yolk to a uniform consistency, add linseed or sesame oil. Apply a thick layer on the area around the eyes, hold for 20 minutes, covered with cotton swabs or a soft towel. Rinse the treated area with warm water, not rubbing or stretching the skin.
With the help of our medical cosmetic product, you can do light massage procedures, which will help to tighten the contour of the face and eliminate wrinkles around the eyelids.
Use only a natural product that does not contain additives, fragrances and other impurities.
In fact, cocoa consumption can only be harmed if the product is not of high quality. Such dishes have a rancid or sour taste, therefore, having noticed such a feature of the purchased drink, confectionery, or chocolate, it is worth refusing to consume them.
Cocoa can also be harmful if consumed in excessive amounts. This product is also not recommended in the presence of some ailments, for example, gout. Contraindications to the consumption of any products based on such beans include idiosyncrasy, age up to three years, as well as impaired metabolic processes, in which it is not recommended to eat foods containing purines.
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from the following sources.
To the list of oilseeds of plant origin
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