One of the most widely known spices in the world is cloves. It has been used in cooking since time immemorial. Carnation is a dried clove bud (flower bud). Nowadays, the clove is grown in Indonesia, India, Malaysia, Madagascar, Ceylon, the Moluccas, and also in Tanzania.
Another clove is used as a raw material for obtaining essential oil. It is mined not only from its buds, but also from branches and leaves. Let's talk today about the essential oil of cloves, application, properties of this oil more.
Essential clove oil is obtained from a tropical evergreen plant 10-12 centimeters high. It consists of eugenol, acitel eugenol, karyofillen and other components. In order to get 1 kilogram of clove essential oil, 10-15 kg of fruits or 6-8 kg of buds are required.
For home use, only oil derived from the kidneys is allowed. It is the same, but obtained from other parts of the tree has completely different properties and strongly irritates the skin. Therefore, when choosing clove oil, be careful and careful not to purchase the product obtained from the branches.
When choosing clove oil, you need to be very careful, because often the most expensive and high-quality kidney oil is replaced with an analogue of branches, the use of which can lead to catastrophic results.
The method of steam distillation is used to produce clove oil. It looks fluid and light. Its color is slightly yellow, and during long-term storage it is brown. If the oil is obtained from the leaves, it is initially brown in color.
High quality clove oil has a characteristic fresh fruity aroma with a tart woody shade and a pleasant aftertaste. A completely different aroma is characteristic of counterfeits: if the oil is obtained from shoots, it can be distinguished by the sharp smell of wood. If the leaves were the raw material for it, then its smell will be rather unpleasant, with notes of burning.
In addition to the unique aroma, the essential oil of cloves has regenerating, soothing and antibacterial properties. It has found its application in various fields. This pharmacology, perfumery, aromatherapy and food industry.
It has analgesic, carminative, antispasmodic, expectorant, stimulating, antiseptic properties. It is recommended for use in diseases such as asthenia, ascites, lupus, flu, dyspepsia, catarrhal bronchitis, carcinoma, tuberculosis, gout, ulcer, scabies.
In terms of antibacterial and antiviral effects, clove oil is not inferior to coniferous antiseptics. It perfectly copes with such a task as the prevention of viral infections, contributes to the treatment of colds, can be used for intestinal infections.
Anti-inflammatory properties of clove oil have found application in the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, such as periodontal disease and pulpitis. It can also be used to relieve toothache.
Clove oil helps the work of the digestive organs, has a general beneficial effect on the digestive tract and removes various negative symptoms.
Clove oil can also be used to improve blood circulation, provide anticonvulsant effects, in the treatment of rheumatism and arthritis. Clove oil is successfully used in the treatment of respiratory diseases, such as asthma and bronchitis.
Since clove oil is spicy, its use in cosmetology is somewhat limited. Its main use is the treatment of skin injuries such as: wounds, cuts, bruises, burns, acne, pustular lesions, scabies, acne and furunculosis.
In aromatherapy, clove oil is used to restore the emotional and mental state after serious illnesses and operations.
Clove essential oil has a positive effect in the treatment of impotence, frigidity, sexual weakness and other similar diseases. Used to strengthen the uterus. Carnation is a powerful aphrodisiac. Stimulates digestion, has a healing effect on diarrhea. Clarifies thinking and helps to eliminate headaches, migraines.
It can act as a means of temporary anesthesia for toothache.
Clove essential oil is a powerful stimulant. It refreshes, improves memory and increases the ability to concentrate and long concentration, relieves fatigue and helps connect the body's reserves in a stressful situation.
The most popular recipe for pain in the teeth is clove oil, it greatly eases the painful feeling, if you apply a tampon moistened with this oil to the gum, next to a sick tooth, or you can drip it directly onto the crown of the tooth. Do not ingest this substance.
In everyday life, clove oil can be used to flavor dressing rooms and wardrobes. It helps fight moths and effectively scares off insects such as mosquitoes, ants and flies.
In cooking, clove oil is used in the preparation of pickles, sauces, as well as fish and game dishes. It can be used as a flavoring for alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.
In the perfume industry, clove oil is the classic base. Optimal is its use in combination with other flavors. For perfume blends, cloves are considered a classic base, while combining them better in duets with sage, pepper, ylang-ylang, rose, bergamot or grapefruit.
Mask for colored hair
After chemical exposure, a nourishing mask will revitalize the hair. It will need almond oil as a base (4 tablespoons), clove ether (6 drops), 2 ampoules of pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) and the pulp of one banana. Combine all the ingredients, wash your hair and apply the mixture from root to tip of hair. The dwell time of the mask is 2 hours.
Hair strengthening
Stop hair loss and strengthen the hair shaft egg-oil mask. To the five yolks, whipped in a blender, add 5 drops of clove ether, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 teaspoons of preheated cahors. The mixture is applied to the hair before bedtime. Head wrapped with a towel. Exposure time - until the morning. Washed off with water with a weak solution of apple cider vinegar.
From split ends
Stop the ends of the ends of the processing strands with a mixture of avocado oil (1 tsp) and 2 ml of cloves. After each wash or before using the styling products, the mixture is applied to the ends of the hair. After 10 minutes, the excess oil is removed with a napkin, and the strands remain to dry naturally.
From seborrhea and dandruff
Clove oil, having in its composition burning components, stimulates local blood circulation. Due to this, not only strengthened hair follicles. Ether has anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects on the skin. Combining it with tea tree ether will only enhance the effect of both oils. 9 drops of each oil should be mixed with diluted green clay slurry (4 tablespoons). The mixture is applied with a brush to the hair roots, the head is wrapped with a towel. Exposure time - 30 minutes.
Carnation for hands and nails
To strengthen the nails and the treatment of fungi useful baths with essential oils. Cloves can be used with any blend oil. The ether is diluted in water with soda and salt - 2 drops of oil are added to 1 liter of hot water, and a teaspoonful of soda and salt. Hand baths make 15 minutes. Then wipe dry and smear nails with oil of cloves and lemon. The procedure is repeated twice a day.
Cellulite wrapping
For wrappings as a base oil using any vegetable. On 30 ml of base add 5 drops of clove ether. The mixture is rubbed on the right places and massaged. Then wrapped with film for half an hour. It is better to lie down during the wrapping. The greatest effect of the procedure brings after exercise, aimed at burning fat.
Clove oil for bath and sauna
Hot steam bath, filled with aromas of essential oils is pleasant and healthy. Clove oil in the bath is an excellent remedy for cold and cough, rheumatic and muscular pains. Mix 4 drops of juniper, 3 drops of eucalyptus, and 2 drops of fir and cloves. The oil elixir is added to hot water (not to the heater!) And it is sprayed on shelves and walls. Start the procedure from 3-5 minutes, then gradually increase the time to 20 minutes.
The aroma of clove oil has the effect of security, invulnerability to negative emotions, helps to concentrate on personal development and get rid of nervousness. This is one of the best oils for psycho-emotional recovery from operations, injuries and diseases.
It is believed that it attracts prophetic dreams, prosperity, wealth and acts as a protective magic talisman. Beneficial effect on the state of tension, mental fatigue, warms and allows you to cope with psychosomatic tremor.
Emotionally clove oil brings calm and warmth, allows you to cope with their experiences, doubts and fears. It is an active aphrodisiac, carrying confidence in its attractiveness, enhancing attraction.
Since even kidney-derived oil is an active irritant of the epidermis, it should not be used for external use in a concentrated, and, moreover, pure form. The optimal concentration is 1% in any base solution.
When ingested, care should also be taken. It should be taken with jam, honey or bread, one drop 3 times a day.
For toothache, apply 1-2 drops on a cotton swab moistened with vegetable oil. Attach to the chewing surface of the diseased tooth.
For use in aroma lamps 1-4 drops per 15 square meters, for baths 3-4 drops.
For applications with periodontal disease, mix 3 drops of orange essential oil, 3 drops of clove oil, 15 drops of olive oil or 15 grams of wheat germ oil, avocado or almond, and 6 drops of cloves. Then apply the mixture on cotton wool and attach to the gum.
To wash the wounds, dissolve 30 drops in 100 grams of pure water. For oral administration after a meal: 1 drop of oil from 0.5 teaspoon of honey, in a bread “capsule” or washed down with mulled wine or a large amount of acidified water (1-3 times a day). If you still have heartburn, then wash down clove oil with natural yogurt or kefir.
In no case should recommendations for dosages be exceeded even by 1 drop of oil. You can not combine the use of this oil with the states of nervous excitement and hypertensive crises.
Clove oil and take inside, but only with great care:
• With bread, honey or jam, up to 3 times a day, you can only take 1 drop of clove oil.
• For the treatment of digestive disorders - mixed with 2 parts of vegetable oil.
• As an anesthetic, 2 drops are dissolved in a teaspoon of honey.
For standard aromatherapy methods, the dosage is reduced:
• For aromamedalons, use no more than 2 drops of clove oil.
• For an aroma lamp - up to 4, while “familiarity” always starts with 1 drop.
• In a slightly warm aroma bath, you can add no more than 4 previously diluted drops of aroma oil.
• A mixture of 6 drops of clove oil from 15 grams of base oil (or 3 drops of orange and clove oil on the same amount of base) is applied to the gums.
• A toothache removes a drop of oil on a cotton ball.
• If you want to enrich cosmetics, limit to two drops of essential oil per 10 grams of base.
• For poorly healing or infected wounds, prepare a mixture of 100 grams of water and 30 drops of clove oil.
• For massage, do not add more than 4 drops of aroma oil.
• 4 drops of oil is appropriate to add to 10 milliliters of any base oil to create insect lotion.
Attention! You should not use clove oil in hypertensive crisis and conditions of increased nervous excitement. Clove oil is contraindicated during pregnancy. Because of the effect on the tone of the uterus and hormones, clove oil is better not to use during pregnancy.
Check clove oil for individual tolerance. Strictly observe the dosages and prescribed modes of oil intake! If you have hypertension, use it with caution. When applying the oil on the skin may feel tingling, slight burning and heat for 1-2 minutes. This is normal.
Clove ether is a potent agent, so it can only be used in strictly defined doses. Their excess is fraught with intestinal disorders, burns and allergies. Some tips:
• do not use clove oil for more than 20 consecutive days;
• taking oil inside, wash down with plenty of liquid, and even better - kefir (so there will be no heartburn after it);
• do not be alarmed if a slight tingling appears after applying to the skin - this is a normal reaction Clove-rich ready-made skin care products, do not do this for the future. Add a drop of oil only in a single portion. If you still made a medical cosmetic mixture for several applications, store it in a dark bottle - the oil quickly decomposes into light.
In the conditioner or shampoo for dry hair, you can add a mixture of oils directly to the bottle. On 15 ml of jojoba oil, add 20 drops of clove ether. Prepare the mixture in an amount corresponding to the amount of the fixed asset. Pour the mixture into the shampoo and shake well. For oily hair, oil is recommended to be added only in a single portion.
When creating this article was used material
from the following sources.
To the list of oilseeds of plant origin
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